Author: John Bergh

11/11/18    LUKE 18:1-8     “NEVER GIVE UP” Before we begin today I would like to point out something about parables.  If you remember a while back and it may have been last summer, we saw where Jesus said that we are to eat, drink and be merry. ...

11/4/18       LUKE 18:9-14        “OIL AND WATER” Today we are going to look again at prayer.  I cannot stress too much how important prayer is.  It is fundamental to our faith.  This is how we talk to God through Jesus Christ.  You know how...

10/28/18      JOEL 2:12-13, 23-32       “DID YOU BRING AN UMBRELLA?” I’m not sure if you know this or not but being in formal ministry can have many pitfalls.  And because there are times when I engage my mouth before my brain, I have made my share of...

10/21/18  LUKE 17:11-19    TC   “ALWAYS GIVING A HEARTY THANK YOU!” If we were all the same and doing the same things, the world would get a little boring, don’t you think?  But we are not and we can praise the Lord for that.  In His infinite...

10/14/18    “I CAN SLEEP WHEN THE WIND BLOWS!”       LUKE 17:5-10 & MATT. 17:19-23 I think that we probably all go through life knowing that some of the small things in life are just what we were told they were and that was that.  For instance it...

10/7/18     LUKE 16:19-31    “THE BIBLICAL TRUTH OF HEAVEN AND HELL” We live in a world where you only believe what you see and that is why we have had such a decline in Christianity in this country.  People don’t know how to look for the wonders...

9/30/18       LUKE 16:1-13   “EVEN YOU GET A 2NDCHANCE!” I hate to say it but I think that dishonesty and crime have become a way of life here in America and the world.  We have an election coming up and it will once again be the lesser...

9/23/18     LUKE 15:1-10      “CELEBRATING THE LOST” I am one of those people who like to look on the bright side of things.  I mean this in a spiritual way.  I think that most if not all our problems in this world and in our lives stems...

9/16/18    PHILEMON 1:21    “FORGIVING STARTS WITH JESUS” Today we are going to talk about something that none of you want to talk about but I would guess that all of you want to hear about it.  We are going to talk forgiveness.  People will pay attention...

9/9/18    “STARTING TODAY!”  HEBREWS 13:1-8,15-16 We live in a world of procrastination.  Many people put off doing things that are very beneficial to them.  We say we will start tomorrow and then we never do.  Probably the worst thing we do is that we rely on...