2/2/20 1 Cor. 8:1-13 “A Modeling Job!”

2/2/20 1 Cor. 8:1-13 “A Modeling Job!”

2/2/20    1 Cor. 8:1-13       “A Modeling Job!”

The Bible we read and study every week was written many thousands of years ago with the newest part about 2000 years old.  One of the great things about the Bible is that it breaks down our human tendencies so that it has been applicable down through the years.  Every generation has proven the relevance of the Bible so that we can rely on it today.  We have basically the same problems now as they did then.  The major difference is that today we have much bigger toys.  However, every once in a while, we run across a passage, like today’s passage, that when we get done reading it we say to ourselves, “This doesn’t really apply to our modern times.”  And you may be right.  In our society we don’t sacrifice animals to idols, at least most places don’t.  So when we do come across something like this, it may be that we should take a little closer look at what is being said.  Today I would like us to take a look at some of our behaviors and find a remedy that is very easy but so very effective.

I would like to begin a little differently today as I would like us to take a little quiz that I borrowed from Rick Gillespie-Mobley.  It isn’t that hard and I think that we can do it in our heads.  Here goes the scenario.  Suppose that we have a summer like we have some years where there are a lot of skunks around.  Also imagine that you have some guests over to your house for a nice dinner.  Then suppose that one of those skunks comes up to your house and for some reason, maybe a dog barks, the skunk discharges whatever it is that gives off the terrible odor.  The smell in the house becomes unbearable.  The first thing that you do is grab your favorite air freshener and spray down the area where the guests are.  Unfortunately, one of the guests begins to cough violently and can barely breathe.  You realize that this person is having an allergic reaction to the spray and their airway is closing.  What would you do?  Here are your choices.  A. You keep spraying the house until the skunk scent is gone.  B.  You stop spraying the freshener and help your friend with whatever means necessary to get to the hospital.  C.  You look closely at your friend and wonder why he or she doesn’t have enough faith to overcome the air freshener.  Or D.  Let your friend know that you are sorry the air freshener offends them, but you have every right to spray your house so that it will smell good.

I would guess that all of us would try to get our friend to the hospital.  It would be the only right thing to do.  But we live in a broken world where there are people that might consider any of these alternatives.  And if the situation is not that serious, then I would say that we would have a lot of people in our world that would not only consider all the wrong answers, but they might even do them.  And if you don’t believe that I am right, then just take a look in the newspaper.  Just about every day you will see where someone thinks they have a right to do something that is against all our principles.  You may think that it is right not to bring these behaviors up to people but you are wrong.  It is our job to help people get right with Christ even when it goes against what society tries to tell us.  Being a Christian means we help them in a loving way.

As we begin today, we see that Paul is talking about the eating of food sacrificed to the idols.  It was very common in those days that the priests and officials of the Temple would eat the meat that was sacrificed.  Then the temples would then sell the food that was extra.  So if you wanted cheaper meat, you would go to the temple and buy it.  They knew that these idols were not gods but that they only represented them. As a matter of fact these people thought that they were quite smart.  They had a lot of knowledge.  They thought that they were pretty good and that they had it all figured out.  We are like this also.  I’m in the process of reading a series of books from a religious leader in this country and does he ever have the message all messed up.  Unfortunately, many religious leaders of today read their Bibles and come up with their own form of religion that is usually far from what we know as Christian.  Anyway, I digress.

But Paul cuts right to the chase.  He tells that their knowledge will only puff them up like this pastor/author that I’m reading.  However, it is love builds up and perseveres.  If we rely on knowledge, then we really don’t know very much.  And this is because knowledge doesn’t feel or have emotions.  Have you ever known someone like this?  We have watched TV shows about people like this.  Some people get so caught up in knowing things that they fail to realize that there is another life out there.  Don’t get me wrong.  Knowledge is a good thing.  We need knowledge in order to live.  But knowledge isn’t the only thing.  If we think that we know things, then we really don’t know things at all.  But a person who loves God is loved by God.  This should be the goal of all people.  Unfortunately our society would rather follow anything but God and this is sad.

Now you may be saying, “What has this to do with eating sacrificed foods at the temple?”  As we read on, we find that Paul is really talking about our behavior and how it affects others.  And this was a good way to talk about it because everyone knew about the food sold.  Everyone knew about the idols. And everyone knew about God or in many cases the gods as there were many non-Christian religions in the area.

So how do we know if our behavior is right with God?  Actually, this question came up in our youth group several times when I was leading them.  We know if our actions are right by the life we have been living.  If you have been doing all of things that we talk about, then you probably have a good ear for God’s word.  If you come to church regularly, if you prayer on a daily basis, if you read the Bible daily, then you have a good chance of doing the right things.  That is why I try to stress these behaviors all the time.  Most of the time, we could all use a little prompting in these areas to get closer to Jesus.

A quick simple test of our actions and behaviors is this.  Is this action in accordance with the Bible?  Is what I do and say in harmony with what God does?  Are my actions helping others in a Biblical sense?  If you are in touch with Jesus on a regular basis, then you will know the answers to these questions.  However, if you just think you are in touch and are not in the practice of reading the Scriptures, praying and coming to church, then you might be on more shaky ground.

Some examples of this may be that you cheat a little on your taxes.  Or maybe you tell a little white lie now and again.  Or maybe you look at someone of the opposite sex and make lewd mental notes or comments.  A real good corporate example was the peanut butter/salmonella outbreak that happened a few years ago and it could also be applied to several other similar outbreaks.  This peanut butter company knew there was a problem and yet they still sent out the peanut butter that poisoned many people.  Corporations are to be held to the same accountability as individuals. There is absolutely no way that these actions and many others are in line with the written word of God.  So we have to be careful when we are in the world so that we are in line with God and not leading someone else astray.  And if you don’t know how to do this, then again go to Jesus in prayer and ask Him.  If you are honest with Him, I guarantee that He will help.

And along these same lines, we have to be aware of all the addictions in the world.  We are to be setting examples to others by our behaviors.  If we are addicted to our television, then it is pretty hard to model behavior.  If we offer someone an alcoholic drink, how do we know that this person is not an alcoholic?  Iced tea would be a much better offering.  We also have to consider addictions to drugs.  Maybe our children are watching us take these pain killers and they are thinking that this might be a good idea for them.  We are also bombarded by drug ads on TV.  We have to be so careful in everything that we do because some little eyes might be watching.  We also have to consider gambling addictions, tobacco addictions, even sports addictions and many others too numerous to mention.

We have to watch our own actions so closely and ask ourselves if we would like others to be doing this.  Addictive behaviors begin by someone watching someone else.  I mean why would anyone want to drink alcohol?  It tastes terrible, but we have seen others drink it.  Why would anyone smoke tobacco or drugs?  Again it tastes terrible and you end up coughing and choking.  But we have seen others do it.  So the word here is be careful what you do as others may be watching and following.

Hopefully we are now to the point where we are aware of our surroundings.  Many times we get ourselves into situations that are a little gray.  It is impossible for any of us to be perfect as we live our broken lives in a broken world.  But if we keep these things in mind plus one more thing, then we will do better.  And that one more thing is, how do you feel about the situation or behavior?  Sometimes we have to rely on that gut feeling or that little voice.  And if you have been reading and praying, then you will know that this is the small voice of God talking to you.

God will tell you what is right and wrong by the feelings you get in a situation.  Sometimes when you walk into a bar, you get the feeling that maybe you shouldn’t be there.  The same can be said of a casino.  But the same can’t be said if you go and visit someone in the hospital.  The same cannot be said if you help someone with a flat tire.  Jesus loves to work this both ways.  He will tell you when you are not doing it right and He will show you his love when you are right.

And all of these things we have been talking about today lead us back to the question, “Are you leading someone else down the wrong path?  Are you modeling the wrong behavior?”  If you are then change paths to the path that Jesus has laid out for you.  It is that simple.

This demonstrates the love that Jesus has for everyone.  When we meet someone of another religion, a non-Christian religion, it would be wrong for us brow beat them or put them down in any way just because they don’t believe in Jesus.  This is because when we act in a non-loving fashion, then the very people we are trying to bring to Jesus will figure that we Christians are not very nice people.  Then they will be even harder to convince.  This is why I have been trying to tell you that we have to understand the Muslims, the Buddhists and the Hindus.  We even have to try to understand the atheist.  We cannot believe like they do but only understand.  We will not convert anyone in the world by telling them that they are wrong.  It just won’t happen.  However, great things will happen if you lead with love.  Then you will be modeling the behavior of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The last thing I would like to mention here is in verse 9.  We have a freedom we get by knowing Jesus Christ that we can get from no other place.  Anyone here today, who knows Jesus, also knows that you have a freedom that you could never have achieved without Jesus.  I lived 40 years in a prison before I found the freedom in Christ.  This is one of the wonderful perks you get by asking Jesus to live in your heart.  Paul is telling us that we have this wonderful freedom as long as we do not lead someone astray.

I have always liked to put it another way.  You are free but your freedom ends where the next person’s nose begins.  Jesus loves us so much that he not only gives us freedom but He also doesn’t want anyone else to hurt us or that we hurt them.  I think that sometimes it is hard to see the love Jesus has for us in some of these warnings that are given.  But this one should be pretty easy as we are to love our neighbors as ourselves.

(In a few minutes we will be taking communion.)  As you are reflecting on your life in your quiet time (or prayer time)I ask that you think of the ways that Jesus loves you.  Then ask Him if there are ways that you can be a better disciple for Him.  Remember our opening story and try, at all times, to be taking someone to the hospital, the spiritual hospital.

Jesus Christ came to this earth so that those who believe in Him will be saved for eternity.  He came, He lived, and He died a most horrible death so that you, you may live.  This is the tremendous amount of love that He has for each of you.  He knows you by name.  He knows the number of hairs on your head.  He knows everything about you and He loves you anyway.  Let us thank Jesus for first loving us.  Let’s pray.

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